Meeting Mr. #TattooedLeftLeg | FreedomJoy&Faith

Meeting Mr. #TattooedLeftLeg

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Seeing him...

It all started yesterday. I was all fun and excited because finally, finally, I can go to #MIBF2015. After long years of longing, I can meet my soulmates. Soulmates. Yep. Those books are. But there's one thing I must do along with my friends, we have to pay the fee for our Comprehensive Exams. BTW, I am currently taking up my master's degree, and passing a compre exam is a must to finish my degree with a defended thesis. Can't believe I am on my last semester and hoping to graduate this summer of 2016, in God's will. 

As I was saying I was all excited and fun, but as the saying goes expect the unexpected or expects the 'UNKNOWN'. Aware that the lacking requirements in our application had been processed and we assumed that we are 'Approved' as takers of the exam, all things failed, and paying the fee wasn't easy as we expected it. I could scream at the top lungs if only I could. A lacking requirement was on the verge of preventing us from taking the compre this coming September 25, and it was a defeat, almost. But we won't give up, Arra, Grace, and Jabilah weren't the type of friends who would let their pamasahe go to waste. Standing in front of the Registrar's Office on the 3rd floor of Ninoy Aquino Building in PUP Santa Mesa was a struggle. Personnel at the Registrar's The office was nice enough to deal with our concerns, but it seemed like they wanted us to go back to Santa Rosa with a failed mission. And coming home unaccomplished was not an option. It never was. Persistent, we asked if we could talk to the OU's Director and that was Dr. Castolo. We were positive that she could help us. But sadly, the man (who was very nice, really) advised us that it wasn't a good idea. With hopes thinning bit by bit, the Registrar herself, appeared when we most needed her. Telling her our dilemma that we won't be able to get a test permit was taken to another level, in a good way. She allowed us to proceed to the Director's Office and ask for help. That didn't fail us. Waiting for the Director worth it. She practically solved our problem. Signing a waiver and exchanging it with the test permit was a long journey, but at least we were able to accomplish our mission. As a celebration, we toasted our victory with the taho we bought along with the PUP Campus. It was almost 6 in the afternoon when we left the campus. And unfortunately, I wasn’t able to meet my soulmates. The books at #MIBF2015, probably next year, again.

It was a long day. By train or bus were the options we have to travel back to Santa Rosa. The train was cheaper, so in a unison, it won. As if there was anyone who would argue on that topic, we were frugal. We have waited for 30 minutes for the arrival of PNR. It was long, but our patience was more abundant than the money we had. So waiting was by choice. As expected, it was a jam-packed train, but it was beyond their imagination. Well in my case, I was able to experience a loaded train car a few years ago. We were practically packed like sardines. Jolly as they were, I was able to laugh it off, we all did. 

It was one station before Alabang and the train felt conducive and breathable. What a ride! was written on their faces. Arra who was a bit sleepy, Grace who kept on texting her boyfriend and Jabilah talked to a Muslim woman, as she always did whenever she met one, and I who was left alone standing as their asses enjoyed the seats. It was 8 pm when we reached Alabang station and it was a chance to fill our grumbling stomach. Refreshing ourselves in the restroom was part of every woman's routine. Sweaty and smelly, Arra and Grace wore the t-shirt we just bought from PUP and printed with the pride of our Alma Mater. Jabilah, who didn't buy one was okay with her blouse and in my case, I just didn't want to change. We ate at Greenwich and ordered the same meal, A1. Though we waited for almost 15 minutes, with rice, spaghetti, fried chicken, and pineapple juice for only 111, it was a feast. 

Exiting Star Mall, we aimed to arrive at South Station for a jeepney ride to Santa Rosa.  We were dead tired and we craved a good night's sleep, but the market in Muntinlupa City mesmerized us with its wide night market as we passed by the lengthy overpass. Vegetables, fruits, phone accessories, and a lot more were on the side streets. Gleefully, we bought some and amazed at the cheap price. Continuing with our walk-a-thon, Arra and Grace, who loves to dress up, stopped at an already closed dress shop, but luckily they had clothes displayed outside the store, so we were able to scrutinize some of the designs. Grace and I bought high waist pants in different colors, and I thought we were being frugal. 

And at last, after all those stops we made it to the terminal. There were already few people inside the jeepney and I couldn't care less what were the looks of those people, but I usually did. As my friends entered the jeep before me, a person was looking right straight at me my face as I bent over, our eyes met. I held my gaze at him as he did with mine, my friends were all sitting on the left side, and I, alone on the right side still engrossed with our own secret moments. It took me seconds before I surrendered, I looked away. A smile kept on sprouting from my lips as I discreetly took a peek at the guy who was two persons away from me. With the stolen shots I developed from my peripheral side view, I was able to get worthy details. His tied long hair was a teased to my hand, I could free those strands and lavishly brush them with my fingers. His face deadpan and his ears accessorized with those round black earrings. He had that bad boy aura, but he looked fresh with that fair white complexion. Being embraced with those strong arms and his legs with solid muscles, he was a man. A man with a tattooed face of a woman on his leg, it made me wonder if it was a girlfriend or a wife, but he looked young. He is a young man who had awaken the woman inside me. Nagising niya ang katuwang lupa ko as what the saying goes.

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