Look at that! I can't believe those healthy and greeny leaves sprouting out of that baby-sturdy stem. haha. I can't help but be amazed by the process and the life of planting a seed and growing it into an actual plant.
The Avocado seed was from my co-teacher, Ms. Geraldine. At first, I was hesitant to ask her for a seed ever since I saw her posts on Facebook about plants and the jumbo Avocado fruit got my interest as well as the grapes she has at home. She sure has a green thumb, but I think she has two green thumbs. haha.
I was afraid I wouldn't able to give justice to the life the Avocado seed has, but I was glad I took the courage to ask her even just for a single seed. I wanted the grapevine too, but I felt like it would be too much of me to get that from her for free. haha. Maybe one of these many days, I'll try if there's any post of her about grapes. hehe.

I also sent my regards to her and the progress of the Avocado seed she generously gave to me. Last July 28 was the monumental day, I bravely planted my feelings for him, este, I mean the Avocado seed with all the hope and faith I could gather within me as I surrender everything to the giver of life. I was not really confident, but I was more hopeful that God would make it possible for the seed to grow and prosper and be a fruitful tree.
I intended to bury my feelings for him since it started to flourish beyond my control and I welcomed that moment of turbulence in my emotions. I thought I could handle it as God as my backup, what bad plan I had. Now, I realized I should have surrendered all the feelings I had towards him to God.
Falling hard, yes, I was. Like a bullet train headed to one direction and destination where no one even him was waiting for me. He was never there and he never intended to be there. I guess it was just me anticipating the happy ending of the journey we started together. I created a story where I was the one and only sole author, he said we're on the same boat and I thought it was similar to writing on the same page. But we're completely on different rides. He was on the boat, safe from the ocean, while I was on the paper, a sheet of paper, slowly and certainly sinking deep in the unknown depths of the sea.
I had no one to blame except for myself. I saw it coming, but I ignored the warning. I don't have any regrets, I took the chance and I am still glad I did. It was an experience I explicitly got myself into. And I believe there is a purpose from this encounter with him. No time was wasted. God has already walked before me in this process. Like what I always hear from my brothers and sisters in Christ, we should never neglect to trust the process. I hold on to Romans 8:28 ever since I learned it, it is one of the many promises of God mentioned in the Bible.
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