Showing posts with label Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notes. Show all posts
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. ~1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV
The blaming game has been happening since the beginning of time, in the garden of Eden. Sometimes we blame God 🥲
The man blamed God 🥲 Adam did. ~Genesis 3:12 ESV
We are in agreement with God that we are sinners.
God is not the source of temptation though He allows trials and they can lead to blessings or vice versa.
Trial can cause you to draw closer to God if it has served its purpose.
It is God who orchestrated everything. ~James 1:13-18
James 1:13
Let no one say when he is tempted,“I am being tempted by God,”for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.
~God tempts no one. It is the evil who tempts.
Hebrews 7:26 ESV
For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, untrained, separated from sinners, and exalted above themselves.
~God doesn’t delight in evil.
Habakkuk 1:13 ESV
God has no experience with/in evil that’s why He does not delight in evil.
James 1:14-16 ESV
Each person is tempted when is lured and enticed by his own desire, then desire has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. Do not be deceived.
Temptation is not external, it is what’s in your heart. Sin does not begin in the external, it starts with our desires, emotions, longings. It begins from within. It starts from within.
Beware of a bait or a lure! The physical world lures us. One thing leads to another.
Lust. Avoid triggers. Avoid appearances of evil. Don’t put yourself in situations that could lure.
Temptation is still resistible.
Soak your mind to what is pleasing to God. It will overflows in your mind. Fill your heart and mind with the words of God. He reminds us. To live a blameless life.
Don’t make excuses.
God’s commanded, "Be holy, because I am holy." ~1 Peter 1:16
Once you have a desire, you begin strategizing to fulfill your will.
When desire conceives, it gives birth to sin. Don’t let the desire take over your will. Sin gives birth to death.
Sin does not bring anything good.
NATURE OF OUR GODOnly good and perfect things come out of good. God is unchanging. ~James 1:17
God never changes. He knows how to give good gifts. ~Luke 11:13
His words stand true. All things work together for good. ~Romas 8:28
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