Through this blog, it is my first time reacting to a movie I watched. I thought I should just go for books, but I guessed we could also go get inspiration in movies just like I thought so.
The first film is Weathering With You. I saw posts about this movie for quite some time on one of my social media accounts. I was interested since I heard that the main characters of the animated movie Your Name made a cameo, but my curiosity was not enough to make me want to watch it during those times.
Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated with animated movies and the likes so it is only natural for me to watch this kind of film whenever I find the time to browse the internet and find an interesting film to get myself busy in times of idleness or if I want to have a break from reading books.
Weathering with You or Tenki no Ko is a kind of movie genre that I will definitely get myself into. It is heartwarming, full of drama, and has a sprinkle of romance. I got teary-eyed as I watched an animated film like this. I didn't expect that it was flavored with fantasy I thought it was more like the word 'weather' in the title was something like the struggles that the main characters experienced in their lives as teenagers. In literal meaning, it seems like I was wrong in my assumptions with the title, but in figurative aspects, I guess my assumptions make sense. It's like weathering with you means going through with you or with someone in facing struggles and challenges in life particularly in our society.
I admire how the characters defy the odds in realizing what their hearts desire the most. I had this thought of how I wished I could be brave like them, young as they were, they already determined what they want and what to do. Yet the plot of the story clearly showed the limitations of their desire at its resolution part, and as what the society expects them to behave. They are young and have to answer to the authority which presents the realistic part of the story. There are consequences they have to accept after pursuing their desire while neglecting their safety and without the approval of the people who are in charge of them.
This film burns with passion and warmth despite its rainy and watery season setting almost throughout the movie. Let's keep weathering!